Managing Partner
Stefan served as Professor and Chairman of Cell Biology at the School of Medicine of Lausanne and as Professor of Bioengineering and Vice-President Research at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale. He co-founded and advised biotechnology companies and large investment funds. Stefan was department head at Glaxo and Chief Technology Officer, member of the executive Board, of Nestlé.

Partner, Advanced Nutrition Science
Irène’s expertise covers molecular nutrition, medical foods and consumer care. She was previously Vice President, Research and Development, Nestlé S.A., CSO of Nestlé Health Science S.A. and Science advisor, Flagship Pioneering, Boston, USA and a member of the Tufts University Nutrition Council. She was a non-executive director of Mirai Foods and Probi AB.

Partner, Biotechnology and Health Science
Anthony’s expertise covers immunology, vaccinology, the microbiome and biologics. He was previously Associate Professor of Immunology at Scripps Research Institute, Co-founder and CEO of 3 start-up companies, and Head of Technology, Disease Prevention at J&J.

Project manager, Longevity Investments
Elena holds a BA in Psychology and an MA in Counseling. Her main experience stems from working with young children and adolescents, including with learning disabilities. Elena also trained in photojournalism and after traveling and viewing the world through her own lens, became passionate about mental health, well-being, and how to reach one’s potential through multidisciplinary approaches.

Louise has been managing the assets of families and entrepreneurs through Family Office and Private Fund structures since 2014. Prior to this, she was an Executive Director at Bank Julius Baer & Co in Singapore. Louise holds a Master in International Relations from IUHEI, Geneva. In 2014, she passed the STEP diploma in International Trust Management.

Administrative and Support Management
Véronique has more than 20 years of experience as administrative assistant in large organizations (Nestlé, University Medical Polyclinic of Lausanne). Véronique brings the same dedication to work that she shows in her passions; mountaineering and art (painting, photography, engraving, sculpture).

Market Research and Communications Manager
Sofia held Marketing and Communications roles in multinational companies (Nestlé, L’Oréal) and in the startup Artmyn. She has experience in brand management and consumer trends and she holds a BA. in International Relations from the University of Geneva and a MSc. in Media and Communications from the London School of Economics (LSE).

Finance, Payroll and Tax Support
Sandra has more than 25 years’ experience in finance, accounting and tax matter as Manager in various audit, tax and advisory companies. She always brings her experiences and knowledge to offer quality support to find the best solution in a constant evolving environment. Since 10 years, she is also the president of the association CEECDV.